from winter to summer...

Posted: Friday, March 19, 2010 |

“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?” marley

This photo was taken inside the temple outside the Maxwell Hawker Stalls. The temple is amazing.. There were two walls lined up from top to bottom of these statues.. so colorful and bright. the room was at least 75ft tall from floor to ceiling.. people were saying prayers and it was a very calming feeling being there...

After several days of traveling i finally arrived in the world the will consume me for the next year..

I took off from D.C. the day after my bday and headed up to nyc.. the Bolt Bus rocks! leather seats WiFi and lots of room..the price of the ticket did not come with the smell of pee.score! 5hrs later I was in Jersey at my bros place.. thank god i wasnt hungover.. I departed out of JFK at 10pm.. I was pretty calm till after i checked my bags in.. "did i just check everything i was going to need for the next year or maybe longer, overseas?!?!?!" yea i did.. so reality started to hit home, i was going on this trip that i had planned mentally for as long as i could remember... but to0 close friends the past 4 years or so.. Thanks to Banana everything we talked about has fallen in place almost perfectly planned but not really it just worked out that way.. I grabbed two bags of gummy bears a pack of chewing gum, mike and ikes, and a bottle of rootbeer.. as i waited for the singapore Airlines people to call my seat number, i crushed the two bags of gummy bears and mike ikes.. got my nerves back.. boarded the plane and i was lucky to sit by myself in a row of four empty seats up front! perfect. The lovely stuartist handed me a warm cloth to whip my face and hands.. was i about to get sushi on this flight.... turns out it was just a tease but it was refreshing... the flight was pretty standard we got a choice of really good movies. they had pretty tasty food for airfare grub.
8 hrs later i arrived in Franfurt, lots of tall people here.. 12hr later i'll be surround by short and "all look same asians"
jumped back on the flight and arrived in Singapore 12hrs later at 6am... my legs and back did not enjoy the flight... i stumbled out the plane with numb feet and all and my eyes wide open.. SINGAPORE I HAVE ARRIVED!

the airport was super clean, got my bags and ditched the pack of chewing gum..
i was in the clear..

The owners of Iggy's picked me up and drove me to my new flat.<-click
They showed me my new home and came back to give me a proper Singapore breakfast, they also went and purchased all new bedding and bathroom supplies for me to feel more comfortable. Janice and Iggy are one of the most accommodating people I have ever met..on to the food..Soup with prawns, crispy shallot, pork, pork broth...the flavors were so amazing, but simple..

I then met the whole restaurant crew and the staff were all eager young people.. i feel at ease at first sight. the kitchen is actually pretty big for what i am used to.. I mean Marvins, Hank's, Komi, the old MOMO noodle bar.. we could fit two of those kitchen in Iggy's.. They are giving me a week off to get adjusted and to finish the last of the paper work and medical exams.

The second day I jumped on the train and went to China-Town, aka Maxwell Center. <-click I ate so much food within a 2 hr window.. the fresh fruit juices quenched my thirst. the heat is insane here.. its like a constant steam room. you can be sitting still but feel like you are sitting in front of a open fire.. it is pretty hard to sleep at night things to buy, 4-5 fans! and MESH TANK TOPS!<-click

Getting lost in the underground shopping malls for an hr is not fun.. "all look same Asians" everywhere! they love to shop and eat...

time for my first dinner tasting at Iggy's so more update later..

the feeling of being in Singapore is unreal... still can't believe i'm on the other side of "my" world.. it's weird feeling.." Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." ~John Lennon

"long distance call"--Phoenix
"keep it moving" Tribe Called Quest
"It's YOURZ"--Wu Tang Clan



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