leaving vibrant textiles and entering a land full of dark unclothed bodies and luscious lip smiles.
the sounds of spanish dialect now replaced by indistinguishable accents of english, creole, and garifuna slang.
welcomed by bare feet and dread adorned heads, i step off the bus to the sounds of blasting reggae tunes and the sight of red, gold, and green everywhere.
i enter bliss with a one hour speed boat ride.
the wind blowing so intensely that i can barely open my eyes to see this wonderland.
i turn my senses off and enjoy the feel of the ride.
transparent waters with bright and shining crystals that reflect upon each ray of sunlight.
we step off the boat onto a slow paced island where the only mode of transportation is walking, biking, and a few golf carts.
the motto printed everywhere is "caye caulker...GO SLOW"
coconut palms blow amongst the breeze creating a rainstick tune.
celebrating the present moment, we endulge in the local rum and watch the sunset from the rooftop.
thick clouds obstruct our view but colors still manage to spread across the sky.
the salty humid air reminds me of where i am.
ocean smells fill my nostrils and sand fills the crevices in my toes.
fresh ocean catches are barbecued along the streets, each vendor competing with the next.
the twinkling stars soon become overtaken by the thick clouds that slowly make their way over the moon.
raindrops begin to trickle dow, breaking up the heat and cooling off my skin.
the next day we take off for a three day sail adventure.
leaving myself vulnerable to the control of the wind.
turning my shoes in for retirement as well as any clock or any indication of real time.
the sun beats down on my baby sensitive skin as my feet dangle over the edge and my toes dip into refreshing salty waters.
dolphins gracefully jump through slight waves as if the ocean is their playground.
putting my snorkle gear on to become one with the underwater life.
complete silence other than the sound of my own breath.
plants sway on top of coral as if they are dancers on a ballroom floor.
colorful fish speak to me face to face through their eyes and their bubbles.
mangroves and islands scatter amongst the open waters.
fitting for survival, we catch our own fish which will serve as our next meal.
getting i ntouch with what i eat and giving thanks for the sacrifice of life.
pulling up to our home for the evening, i find myself on a small deserted island.
we set up our tent and i jump in the ocean for one last sunset refreshment.
as my eyes adjust to the dimming light, it seems to become pitch black dark quickly.
stars abundantely peek out before the moon has the opportunity to rise.
the sky seems asif it is too small to house all the stars!
and as the night continues, camp fires burn low as energy rises high.
sea life coming alive in the darkness as suicidal crabs scurry by.
shining my light on the myseterious waters to uncover mysterious creatures...me foreign to them, them foreign to me.
eventually i close my eyes and put myself to sleep to the sounds of the waves barely crashing and the palms barely swaying.

singapore life starts in a week 1 day..
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