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i feel home...
This explosion of flavor and intermuscular fat and health and robustness.
"Consistently, the thing that we always have is the pig shown off in different parts. So when you get a pork dish, you’re getting all different parts of the animal; you’ll never just get a loin here. It's served all together — sort of a pig plate. Sometimes there’s forms of it that are in sausages, sometimes there’s a cured portion; we make bacon from the face a lot. The pigs are raised outdoors in the woods, they move around a lot. Their feed is a high-quality grain mix that is grown mostly by a farmer we’re quite close to. Since we’ve been utilizing his grains, I think the taste of the pork has improved. They’re generally happy pigs and they live all winter outside. We slaughter three pigs a week here, so we have a lot of pigs. We’re now moving into crossing breeds — we’re crossing Berkshire and Ossabow (the pigs that are the lineage to the jamón Ibérico). The first generation after a cross, you get what’s called hybrid vigor. You get this boost of weight gain and fat conversion, and you get a boost in flavor. It’s not fatty, it’s an infiltration of fat; it’s like a well-marbled steak. We’re getting a cross with all these characteristics that explode with more flavor. It’s such a phenomenon in nature that we forget about. It’s almost like somebody is up in the sky encouraging diversity by giving you the benefits of mixing breeds. When you taste a good mixed breed, it’s just better in every respect. The breeding to me is the most interesting subject in the world. As much as Jean-Francois loved that pork because we did something good, there’s something so much more powerful in raising a good pig — it’s in the genetics. This explosion of flavor and intermuscular fat and health and robustness. And the interesting thing is you only get it in the first generation, then it disappears. I think breeding is the next thing."
my way...
If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home...
from bangkok to good morning HANOI to the mountains of SAPA!
"Cause and effect, effect everything you do and that's why I got love in the face of hate"
I've been obsessed with food, ingredients and the “eating out” experience for as long as I can remember, growing up with a close-knit family of Asian descent instilled the feeling of well being from a very early age, gathering around the dining table was a very fond memory of mine and I think fueled my passion to becoming a good cook.
My aim is to create a journey of taste, texture and temperature using classics with forward thinking techniques to create something unique and modern without forgetting the key elements such as flavor, the one word that drives us to push that extra mile.
Today we find ourselves in a new modern world of cuisine where we have seen massive movements in the evolution of restaurants.
It is no longer acceptable for mediocrity, I believe we owe this to our guests to move forward and think of new ways to serve and prepare food.
More restaurants are moving towards the Tasting Menu format where they can give their guest a real adventure of the palate, nurturing and manipulating artisan produce to tantalize all the senses.
What excites me also is the unexpected, it could be a diversion on a classic dish, replacing ingredients or just serving ingredients in a different guises that can make a meal memorable.
At the restaurants we strive to give our guest a peek into the world of gastronomy. Research and development play an interesting role in many of the world's finest restaurants disusing the benefits of food pairings and flavor combinations are a crucial aspect to any modern day cook.
Ultimately, going to a gastronomic restaurants should be about fun. Abandoning your day to day life and going on an adventure of smells, sights, tastes, and textures, something you wouldn't or even couldn't do at home.......tbc...
The chef Andoni Aduriz
Planning my south east asia trip and back state side.. its been a roller coaster. i've learned a tremendous amount of knowledge and a infinite things not to do in a kitchen... taking a break from responsibilities for a while and just enjoying my freedom .. knowledge comes with adventures as well..
"Hands steady so the lines in the mental illustration is straight
WOAH, been a very long time since i have updated... lots have been going on... trip to vietnam, cooking with 17 japanese chefs from IL GHIOTTONE from Kyoto Japan. Learned so much from watching and seeing how hard they worked together.. My trip to Vietnam was pretty mind blowing. the food was super cheap and the weather was pretty great! a trip to Mei Nu beach was great, i had the best Bun Bo Hue ever..Met all my uncles and cousins which was a mind trip..
just fined a week of work with the talented crew from Mugaritz. intense presence and focus with everyone from their crew.. i realized a lot of things i want in my kitchen one day by working with these boys... i want their success.. i want their focused and standards.. ones day...
just a short update now, will follow up with a photo post and stoires...
That instant karma That always comes too late
When I started cooking, my only goal was to be fast. Aside from not working clean and generally spinning around in my head, I probably looked like I was having a seizure. Then I started to notice the other cooks around me that were better than me. They were so expressionless. Did they just not care as much as me? Did they just not take things as seriously? Well, no. They just knew what they were doing. As my sous chef at that time said to me: "You don't want to look like a little bitch."
Time passed on, and as I slowly came to find a comfortable place in my own skin, my movements became more relaxed, but my head didnt. I still felt like I was one step away from flipping over my cutting board, throwing my salt at the food runner, and fist and elbowing my way out of the front door. It would take lying to myself to cure it; daily affirmations of "You're on control, you can cook, you're a motherfucking handsome badass." It sounds ridiculous. It was. And it worked.
Finding a way to be composed makes the other cooks look differently at you. The crew will respect you, your chef will be quietly impressed by you, and your skills will improve. You'll have more energy. And you'll know what to tell homeboy when he starts to lose it.
So how do you deal wih it? Where do you find your place of balance? How do you compose yourself when things get crazy?
july is a start of something special....

- MPW "i am a man of extremes. I can't stand things that are diluted - only drinks benefit from that. I want a hundred % of everything
- or everybody
- or nothing at all!"
"let's get rich what... this is what!!" Camp lo
- ----
Desiderata As far as possible without surrender Avoid loud and aggressive persons, If you compare yourself with others, Keep interested in your own career, however humble; Exercise caution in your business affairs; Be yourself. Take kindly the counsel of the years, Beyond a wholesome discipline, You are a child of the universe, Therefore be at peace with God, With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, ----
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
they are vexations to the spirit.
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
be gentle with yourself.
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
paris france oct 2010.. cooking for the president of france.. how amazing!
"Determined to be the best, not lookin back at regrets. How many people you blessed is how you measure success"
simply put.. either we are hot or cold. i believe in absolutes. i believe that fi you touch the fire you'll get burned. I believe that god created this earth and created man kind. he gave usthe gift of free will that we might enjoy the opportunity to experience life and make our own decisions. With freedom comes responsibility. Things classified as sin are classified as so because they in some way or another bring destruction to an individual or to society as a whole. The consequences for such things are felt in the current state o our society. i don't believe in a perfect world. I believe in a a redeemed one....
Too many times I asked, "Why me?" And I recall when things weren't goin how they 'sposed to be Yeah I know you dig what I'm relayin And now I find myself devoting more time to praying I ain't saying that I don't do no wrong I'm saying I ain't trying to sing no more sad songs I got mad responsibilities I'm building with my family, my loved ones depend on me I've got no time for envy nor for hate My inner power's too strong to let such evil penetrate The world around is in chaos But I'd rather seek the truth to be found than to be lost Experience is always the best teacher Look at the signs, feel the vibes, I'm tryin to reach ya I see how much now that one should be grateful for And we must help the others who can't find a open door
-count your blessings-
Living in another country has been an experience of a life time... Its been three weeks and i feel like living out of the states is going to be a life time experience. We are working crazy hours but on sundays have been able to cook some insane meals.. Introducing the Hollands to beer can chicken which the pictures will be posted... But after all if u can spend literally 18 hours of the day with your room mate everyday you must be buddies... People who care watch us we are going to have some great dishes coming and some crazy adventures. Its all about travel and showing passion to what you love........ You cant change things right away but to be able to make things better in the future is a great gift...... Singapore watch out cause we are here and i really don't know if this country is ready to control us... Obviously not cause we haven't been arrested but have made our selves known....... MEAT
from winter to summer...
“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?” marley
my 1st trip outside the States Belize 09
leaving vibrant textiles and entering a land full of dark unclothed bodies and luscious lip smiles.
the sounds of spanish dialect now replaced by indistinguishable accents of english, creole, and garifuna slang.
welcomed by bare feet and dread adorned heads, i step off the bus to the sounds of blasting reggae tunes and the sight of red, gold, and green everywhere.
i enter bliss with a one hour speed boat ride.
the wind blowing so intensely that i can barely open my eyes to see this wonderland.
i turn my senses off and enjoy the feel of the ride.
transparent waters with bright and shining crystals that reflect upon each ray of sunlight.
we step off the boat onto a slow paced island where the only mode of transportation is walking, biking, and a few golf carts.
the motto printed everywhere is "caye caulker...GO SLOW"
coconut palms blow amongst the breeze creating a rainstick tune.
celebrating the present moment, we endulge in the local rum and watch the sunset from the rooftop.
thick clouds obstruct our view but colors still manage to spread across the sky.
the salty humid air reminds me of where i am.
ocean smells fill my nostrils and sand fills the crevices in my toes.
fresh ocean catches are barbecued along the streets, each vendor competing with the next.
the twinkling stars soon become overtaken by the thick clouds that slowly make their way over the moon.
raindrops begin to trickle dow, breaking up the heat and cooling off my skin.
the next day we take off for a three day sail adventure.
leaving myself vulnerable to the control of the wind.
turning my shoes in for retirement as well as any clock or any indication of real time.
the sun beats down on my baby sensitive skin as my feet dangle over the edge and my toes dip into refreshing salty waters.
dolphins gracefully jump through slight waves as if the ocean is their playground.
putting my snorkle gear on to become one with the underwater life.
complete silence other than the sound of my own breath.
plants sway on top of coral as if they are dancers on a ballroom floor.
colorful fish speak to me face to face through their eyes and their bubbles.
mangroves and islands scatter amongst the open waters.
fitting for survival, we catch our own fish which will serve as our next meal.
getting i ntouch with what i eat and giving thanks for the sacrifice of life.
pulling up to our home for the evening, i find myself on a small deserted island.
we set up our tent and i jump in the ocean for one last sunset refreshment.
as my eyes adjust to the dimming light, it seems to become pitch black dark quickly.
stars abundantely peek out before the moon has the opportunity to rise.
the sky seems asif it is too small to house all the stars!
and as the night continues, camp fires burn low as energy rises high.
sea life coming alive in the darkness as suicidal crabs scurry by.
shining my light on the myseterious waters to uncover mysterious foreign to them, them foreign to me.
eventually i close my eyes and put myself to sleep to the sounds of the waves barely crashing and the palms barely swaying.